Thursday, January 31, 2008

Great Products and Fabulous Classes

The month of February is full of great classes you are sure to enjoy. It is looking to be a very busy month with Scrapaholics classes on Feb 8 and 29 in Albury and Feb 15 in Rutherglen.

Feb 8 class is using beautiful Hambly overlays and stunning black and white papers.

The Feb 15 and Feb 29 classes both use a Crafter's Workshop Scallop and Swirls Template and some gorgeous 7 Gypsies Papers. In this class we explore doodling as a stylistic element and the template makes it easier for those who are a little intimidated by freestyle doodling.

There will also be a class in early March (14th) where we we explore using felt to add texture to your pages. The pages we will create in this class are monochromatic. With so many fabulous patterned papers on the market it is rare to complete a totally monochromatic layout with only the use of Bazzill and so this one is bound to challenge you to think outside the box. Sneak peak coming later!

If you are in Albury or Rutherglen (and surrounding areas) and would like to join one of these classes email me. There are, at the moment, only vacancies in the Scallops and Swirls and Felt classes

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Scrapaholics Retreat

How exciting! The date has been set for a Scrapaholics Retreat.

This is a chance for

  • Those of you who are interested in having a look at a Scrapaholics class
  • Those of you who attend Scrapaholics workshops and would love a weekend away scrapping
  • Anyone who wants to come to a retreat at the Scrapping Away House and doesn't have 7 other scrapping friends available when you are to share the cost with!

The dates are June 27-29

The Cost $170 per person (plus a $25 security deposit refunded after retreat)

Price includes:

TWO Scrapaholics workshops with instruction and enough materials to make 6 or more pages (these will not be kits already completed at other Scrapaholic workshops but one off kits)

Accommodation in our comfy self contained retreat house

Space for scrapping your days away - one trestle per person

Full use of the studio with all of its wonderful tools

There are strictly limited places available so please contact as soon as possible to reserve your space.

Monday, January 7, 2008


This is the time of year that everyone makes plans to improve, do better, achieve something. I tend to stay away from making official resolutions but I guess I still look to make positive changes in my life in general.

Did you make any New Year's Scrapbooking Resolutions?

I have seen a few around from the general

Do more scrapping

To the specific

Complete 24 LOs a week

Wow! Imagine having the time to do 24 LOs a week. I am a slow and steady scrapper most of the time and so I doubt there are enough hours in the week to finish 24 LOs. Lately, if I do more than 36 in a year I count it an achievement. I must have a weekend retreat to get some more done. Anyone want to join me for a retreat at Retreat House. I have been so busy setting it up for others that I have neglected to factor in some time for myself. Guess it will have to be later in the year as I am sure to be rather busy with a new baby in the early months.

I would like to catch up on some of Emily's photos before the new baby arrives. Heck, I still have photos from her first year to do and I hate that I have forgotten the stories behind a lot of those images. Perhaps, my resolution should be to jot down more of the stories of our life. I use to be good at that. Once upon a time I had a little booklet full of anecdotes all ready for journalling. Sometimes life takes over though and you forget to take the time to record these incidents.