What? I hear you say. Well in Aust. this is the first weekend of the true football season and to celebrate I have a football title. Now don't get me wrong, I have no interest in football, in fact I honestly couldn't care that it is football season. Truth be told a friend asked me to make her an Auskick title and I thought there may be a few people out there who could use it. I say a few as I know my Aussie audience is small :-)

I have also converted a few more party items, if you would like these svgs leave me a message and I can email them to you. It is Earth Hour in a very short time and that means the computer is going off so I don't have time to load them onto Media Fire. Will get back to that soon.

Great files ~ my son's birthday is coming soon, and I'd love to have the candles files to scrap for him. Thanks! keltonsmom@gmail.com
Way cute! My son's birthday is coming up and I'd love your candles and party hat files. Fun Fun. Thanks for sharing!
I would love to have a copy of these cut files. They are terrific, and very useful. thanks so much for sharing with us.
Sharon email: atthesea@novuscom.net
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