I got side tracked again! I have been working on a gift for my daughter's daycare mum and that was to be my 11th challenge, but it isn't ready yet. If I had spent the night working on it, instead of designing in Inkscape, I would have had it ready. But lucky for those of you with Sure Cuts A Lot, I designed instead. I have an svg file of a Decorative Christmas tree. As you can see, it is certainly not your typical Christmas tree. This tree is made using a couple of dings and then modified in Inkscape. I am really happy with the final product, hope you like it.

If you would like to use it you will find the file available
here. I think it would look good on a card - mmmmm haven't made cards this year {dropping my head in shame}
Now to get back to the Christmas present!
I love your scrapbook pages! Very cute! you do a wonderful job! Just what I like; Simple/clean, but beautful!
Love your xmas tree I will use it on my cards next year.
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